Filter is the official maccun store in Pakistan. We deal in a wide range of products available in different sizes to cater to your need. You can order Macuun Plus 240g jar, 40g jar, and 12g 1 sachet as per your suitability and convenience.

      With our perfect Turkish imported herbal ingredients, you can get rid of disappointment and stress during intercourse. These products increase your sex time and delay ejaculation which also fixes masculine erection.

      If you are looking for exceptional results to make your married life pleasing and happy, order our maccun plus natural aphrodisiac products to make a difference. Get in touch with us to grab our Turkish imported maccun plus in Pakistan. 

      For Men

      It boosts desires.
      It improves intercourse duration.
      It increases fertilization and sperm count.
      It enhances immunity and blood circulation.
      It fixes the erection of masculinity.

      For Women

      It increases the secretion of estrogen in women.
      It increases libido in women.
      It boosts insights.
      It sorts out the problem of drying and secretion in women.

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